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Navajo Storm Pattern Rug with Whirling Log design

The storm pattern is one of the most iconic designs in Navajo weaving.
The sacred storm brings rain, the giver of life to the desert. The Navajo distinguish three types of storms: Male rain, female rain, and Coyote or Trickster rain.
The central figure represents the hogan or center of the universe, the second element is four
connecting lines of thunder bolts, extending to the third element, which are designs in the corners symbolizing the four sacred mountains.
This weaving is blessed with the Swastika or whirling log, symbol of good luck and long life.
This symbol is one of the oldest known to human existence and in use long before the unfortunate use by the Germans in WWII.

MATERIAL: Churro wool
SIZE: 64 x 38″ook, plate IV, page 18
ORIGIN: Navajo, pictured in “The Storm” b
PERIOD: 1910



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